Aspen Trees Facts

Aspen trees facts
Growth Rate This tree grows at a fast rate, with height increases of more than 24" per year.
How long does an aspen tree live?
The lifespan of quaking aspens is unique. Individual quaking aspen stems usually live for about 50 to 60 years, sometimes up to 150 years in the West.
Where do aspen trees grow best?
Lots of preparation, patience and understanding are needed to grow aspen in the urban landscape. Aspen prefer light soils that are acidic and drain well, but these conditions are rarely found in urban areas. Aspen will do best on the north and east sides of buildings.
Are aspen trees immortal?
While possibly the weakest tree in the forest, The Aspen is the last to burn and the first to repopulate and replenish. They are virtually immortal.
How deep do aspen tree roots go?
Root System - Roots are abundant in the top 2 to 2½ feet of soil. Aspen usually regenerates from root suckers. Soil Texture - Prefers sands to loam but tolerates variable soil conditions. Soil pH - 5.5 to 8.0.
Should I plant aspen trees in my yard?
The conditions at our elevation (under 6,000 ft) are not ideal for aspen. It is too hot, too dry, and the soil pH is too high. These conditions will only shorten their life even more, while opening them up to the susceptibility of diseases and insects. I would not recommend planting an aspen in your yard.
What eats aspen trees?
Aspen is especially susceptible to gnawing or stripping of its bark by several species of mammals, such as elk, deer, rabbits, hares, mice, voles, and porcupines. Aspen buds are an important winter food source for wildlife. Aspen seedlings and saplings may also be trampled by livestock and large ungulates.
Can you eat aspen leaves?
In spring leaves and buds are edible as well. Other deciduous trees that are edible (inner cambium, spring leaves, catkins) include aspen, beech, maple and willow (although eating a lot of the willow bark or catkins is not recommended because it contains salicin.
What do aspen trees symbolize?
Of old the aspen was a tree of heroes, whose crowns of trembling leaves gave them the power not only to visit the Underworld, but also to return safely. Similarly, the aspen crowns people placed in ancient burial mounds may have been to allow the spirits of the deceased to return to be reborn.
How old is the oldest Aspen tree?
Pando, the 47,000-tree clonal colony of male* quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Utah is thought to be one of the world's oldest living organisms—the root system of Pando is an estimated 80,000 years old.
Which state has the most aspen trees?
Colorado. That's because we have more aspen trees in thicker concentrations than anywhere else in the U.S., from 5,000 feet in elevation where desert meets foothills to 12,000 feet above sea level, high in the mountains.
Do aspen trees need lots of water?
Water quaking aspens to a 2-foot depth every two to four weeks to keep them hydrated and healthy. In areas with hot summers, increase the frequency of watering to every other week to keep the roots cool and moist.
What kills aspen trees?
The right way to remove aspen is to kill the tree and the root system with an herbicide and cut it down after it is dead. To kill aspens apply the herbicide Roundup to the base of the trunk. Drill a series of holes into the trunk at a 45 degree angle and fill the holes with concentrated herbicide.
What is the oldest tree in the world?
The story: In eastern California, a Great Basin bristlecone pine known as Methuselah has long been considered Earth's oldest living thing. According to tree-ring data, it is 4,853 years old — meaning that Methuselah was well established by time ancient Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza.
Do aspens rot?
Impact—Aspen trunk rot is the most common stem decay of aspen in North America (but in a study in Colorado, incidence of Peniophora polygonia was slightly higher). More importantly, it decays the greatest volume of wood.
Are aspen trees high maintenance?
Quaking Aspen Tree Care An iconic tree of the Rocky Mountain states, quaking aspen is a high-maintenance plant, due to its ability to spread, unless it is a large stand of quaking aspen that you desire (over time).
Can you cut the top off an Aspen tree?
Large and medium-sized willow, elm, locust and aspen trees have been amputated in a practice called “topping.” Topping is bad for trees. The public should realize topping is not proper pruning practice for many reasons.
Are aspen trees strong?
Although a soft wood, aspen is relatively strong and has been used in unique ways.
Do birds like aspen trees?
Aspen Identification and Relationship with Birds Aspen trees produce long fruit capsules filled with small seeds, which are attractive to birds. Some birds will also eat Aspen leaf buds. The Aspen plays host to a large number of insects and caterpillars (which will in turn attract insectivorous birds).
How tall do aspens grow?
Aspen are medium-sized deciduous trees, commonly 20 to 80 feet in height, and 3 to 18 inches diameter. Trees more than 80 feet tall and larger than 24 inches diameter are occasionally found.
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